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Software | Hardware | Training | Development

Aplikasi Kasir & Akuntansi terbaik | Harga terjangkau | Gratis Trial dan Konsultasi

Mau Punya Aplikasi Seperti Indo/ Alfa?

√ Toko aman dari kebocoran, Mudah kontrol banyak cabang

√ Jualan lebih cepat, Kontrol stok Mudah

√ Analisa Bisnis dengan Angka, Piutang aman

√ Cashflow lancar, Keluar masuk uang terkontrol

√ Akurat menghitung HPP & profit, Aman dari manipulasi & kebocoran

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No SignIn/ No Credit Card needed

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Aplikasi lengkap dengan Akuntansinya...

Meningkatkan Penjualan

Mengontrol order penjualan, jadwal pengiriman, cetak surat jalan

Scaleup Bisnis, Banyak Cabang

Semua bisnis/cabang bisa anda kontrol jarak jauh dan mudah diaudit

Menekan Cost/Biaya

Mengatur anggaran biaya & target income per departemen & cabang

Mengontrol Bisnis degan Angka

Analisa penyakit bisnis tanpa feelling dan kira-kira

Mempercepat Pengambilan Keputusan

Punya ratusan laporan lengkap yang tersaji cepat & akurat

Bisnis Jalan, Pengusaha Jalan-jalan

Kontrol bisnis kapanpun dan dimanapun tanpa kehadiran fisik anda

Best Solutions & Ideas For Your Business

| iPos

Jual apapun yang Anda inginkan dengan atau tanpa akses internet, iPos menyediakan Sistem POS Online yang terus menelepon pesanan dan menyimpan transaksi. Saat koneksi Anda kembali, data secara otomatis disinkronkan kembali ke cloud.

Navigasi dengan mudah melalui varian dan pengubah produk, dan tambahkan pelanggan ke Terima beberapa tender saat checkout. Lakukan semua tugas dari satu layar.

Sell from a tablet or PC. iPOS can be managed across multiple devices such as Ipad, Android tabs and Windows PC. Helps in managing your cash flow by, Opening the register at the beginning of shift and closing the register at the end of shift. And print the cash flow report for the Shift. You can easily integrate with most of the barcode scanners.The process of adding products to the checkout is made easier and simpler. By eliminating the process of typing the Product SKUs manually, by which the check out process is made easier and run your business smoothly.

iPos helps to manage all your POS sales efficiently and effortlessly. You can sell your products easily on POS. By easily adding products to cart by scanning them the barcode, receiving payments and checkout by printing the receipt. Provide the receipt to customers, in the way they prefer either by printed recipy or sent receipt to an email. You can assign price lists with special discount rates for your best customers and customer groups. Easy Return and Refund of past sales. Provide refunds for individual items or for the entire order. Increase customer retention by providing discounts. Provide discounts based on dollar amount or based on percentage. Can provide discount for a single item or whole order.

Keep all your inventory organized with details such as prices, costs, and availability of products. Receive notifications about the low stock Items, to make the purchase of the necessary item in time. Add thousands of products to inventory quickly by importing, your products using XLS-spreadsheets. Define a group of Items that are sold as a single packaged unit. Track the flow of your inventory by viewing adjustment log.

Transfer items by creating documents and shift stock between your Outlets.This way will help you keep track on the movement of each item without any hassles.Stock. iPos Inventory allows to increase and decrease the stock level of the products, which are Damaged and returned.

Managed your customer profiles Centrally, whether they buy and what they buy you in-store in on Online or Outlet. Bring your existing customers to iPos by easy XLSimport. Know your customers better by tracking their purchase history linked to their profile.

iPos puts all the necessary information on the supplier and product details at your front when creating a purchase order. iPos allows you to create an auto purchase order when the item quantity hits a particular level. and the purchase order is sent for Approval to be sent before to the supplier. Which helps you to maintain the stock level hazel free.

Motivate customers by awarding loyalty points, to make recurring purchases. Analyze your customers by the number of visits and the customer purchases amount, to identify your loyal customers.

Automatically Record all your customer information details and status made by every customer in the database. Create N number of users, and assign them different roles that they can perform in the system. Track each and every employee's performance and make informed business decisions. Manage user credentials provided to the employee. Restrict access of your employees to sensitive information and functions.

iPos Allows integration with different systems such as Accounting Software, eCommerce platform, marketplaces, and payment gateway.

Get visibility into your business at a glance on dashboard. Get details of important notifications, and the overall health of your business. Get notified when items that are running low on stock and that need to be restocked. Know when items will be received from the supplier. Find inventory transactions details reports of items one location. Know your overall best selling product and your best customer . Monitor stock balance availability of items in a single click. Export your report as XLS and PDF at a click.
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Bisnis Jalan, Pengusaha Jalan-jalan

√ Kontrol dari HP kemanapun anda pergi
√ Cek bisnis dari Apps di HP sebelum tidur
√ Tetap in-kontrol dengan Mobile Approval
√ Fokus ke hal lebih penting travelling, cari peluang, negosiasi

About Us..

MDA Official

Experience on managing software development. MDA have delivered various solutions in the form of ui / ux design, prototype, website, web-based application, mobile application, and blockchain-based web app to various clients, such as state owned enterprise, private enterprise, start-up, SME, and community. Digital product development utilising several related technologies to create optimum, easy to use, and functional digital products. Business development with technology-based solution which creates positive impact for customers in order to increase business performance.

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